HomeOwnership of Space

Ownership of Space

Students felt that they belonged in spaces to which they felt ownership of - spaces where their communities could meet and express themselves or…

It builds a local community that scales the global contexts into its space.

It is a great humanistic approach to students' needs.

Even though the room does not capture my own culture, it makes me feel a sense of belonging from the feelings and emotions it evokes in me.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, you can come home to your comfort spot.

Having a campfire and roasting smores.

I selected this image because it fosters community and belongingness.

It is a public space I feel welcomed and comfortable in. It makes me feel excited for the warm weather and is always a nice space to sit and enjoy the…

Because it captures so much of the environments that I most enjoy doing work (especially intellectual work) in - there is a ton of natural sunlight…